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P.O. Box 151
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Docks and Dock Use Rules



There is a moratorium on construction of any new docks on Mountain Lake. 

The decision to extend or end this moratorium shall be made by the Board of Directors no later than the first meeting of the General Membership of 2026.

The only work permissible on existing docks is for their repair and upgrade. Plans for all such work must be submitted to the Board and approved prior to such work commencing. 

Existing docks may not be enlarged. 

All Docks shall be converted to floating docks by Spring of 2025

The Smallwood Civic Association (Association) owns the property off which all Mountain Lake docks are installed and are permitted by annual license granted by the Association. In exchange for said license the dock owner understands and agrees that any Member of the Association, members of their household, their guests, or renters (only if the home is a Landlord Member home, and the renter is renting the home for fourteen consecutive days), may make use of any and all docks.

Docks, unless they are deemed abandoned, shall remain the property of the Member household that was issued the original permit to install it. All dock owners, to qualify for perpetuation of the license to maintain a dock on Association property, shall annually attest and certify that the dock has been properly constructed, is in good repair, structurally sound, and safe.  This certification can be furnished to the Association via regular mail or electronic mail no later than the weekend after July fourth.  Certifications sent via regular mail should be sent to Smallwood Civic Association, P.O. Box 151, Smallwood, NY, 12778.  Electronic mail should be sent to and the subject line should be Dock Certification.

The Association shall annually inspect all docks. Should violations be found or repairs be deemed necessary, either during the annual inspection or at any other time, the owner of the dock shall be notified by certified mail and must remove all violations and effect all repairs to the satisfaction of the Association within twenty one (21) days of notice.  Should the Association determine that a dock is unsafe, a warning notice shall be placed on the dock so advising Members. This notice shall and must remain visible and in place. Should the owner fail to correct the violation(s) and/or make necessary repairs within the stated time frame the Association reserves the right to revoke the dock license and treat the dock as abandoned. In the case of an emergency or an event that renders a dock unsafe, the dock shall be temporarily taken out of service. 

Should the owner of a dock no longer be a Member in good standing of the Association, and choose to not remove their dock within sixty (60) days of termination or non-renewal of Membership, the Association reserves the right to treat the dock as abandoned. 

Should a Member who owns a dock sell their Smallwood home the dock may not be deeded.  If the home is located directly across from Mountain Lake on Lake Shore Drive or Stratton Avenue, the new owner, upon becoming a Member of the Association, may petition the Board of Directors for a license for the dock.  A $500 non-refundable license fee will be due upon approval.  Should the new owner become a Member of the Association but not wish to seek a license for the dock, the Association reserves the right to treat the dock as abandoned, and likewise, should the new homeowner not wish to become a Member of the Association the Association reserves the right to treat the dock as abandoned.

Should a Member, whose home is not located directly across from Mountain Lake on Lake Shore Drive or Stratton Avenue, and who owns a dock, sell or transfer their Smallwood home the Association reserves the right to treat the dock as abandoned, as ownership of said home would not qualify for consideration of a license to place a dock on Mountain Lake.

  1. The Association reserves the right to remove any dock that has been deemed abandoned.  For this purpose a $500 non-refundable new dock fee will be due upon final approval for NEW dock construction (if and when the moratorium has been lifted) or for the transfer of a license to the new owner of a home located directly across from Mountain Lake on Lakeshore Drive or Stratton Avenue, or for an existing dock, licensed to the previous owner.
  2. During the moratorium the ONLY work permissible on existing docks is for repair or upgrade for safety reasons. No existing dock may be enlarged or replaced without the written permission of the Board of Directors in response to a written request stating the location and site of the present dock and the proposed revisions, including drawings.  Revisions made without seeking or receiving the written permission of the Board of Directors may result in revocation of the dock license and removal of the dock.                                                 Requests must be sent to Smallwood Civic Association, P.O. Box 151, Smallwood, NY, 12778 or via electronic mail to                                                                                                
  3. The only Association Members who shall be granted permission to construct or a license to maintain a dock are those whose homes are directly across from Mountain Lake on Lake Shore Drive or Stratton Avenue.  Ownership of property, upon which there is no home, even though it may be directly across from Mountain Lake on Lake Shore Drive or Stratton Avenue, does not qualify the owner to seek permission to build or maintain a dock.  Any docks presently on Mountain Lake not fitting these criteria shall be grandfathered and are subject to all rules.
  4. While only a limited number of Members are permitted to install and maintain a dock on Association property, any Member, members of their household, their guests, or renters (only if the home is a Landlord Member home, and the renter is renting the home for fourteen consecutive days), may make use of any and all docks.
  5. As per the Code of Conduct, one may not monopolize a dock.  When using a dock one shall be mindful of others who may also want to use it by limiting their use to a reasonable amount of time, keeping in mind that other docks are available.
  6. Children under the age of twelve (12) may not be alone on a dock. They must be accompanied by an adult, at least eighteen (18) years of age or older. 
  7. Chains, fences or barriers of any sort around docks are expressly forbidden. Any type of signage that implies that the owner has exclusive use of the dock is prohibited.
  8. The owner of a dock may tie their watercraft to their dock, but they may not store watercraft or any other object(s) on the dock that obstructs access and/or the use of the dock.
  9. Motor vehicles of any type may not be parked on Association Lake Property except at the boat launch and at the Laura Avenue launch area. There shall be no overnight parking on ANY Association property unless expressly permitted by the Association Board of Directors.
  10. Docks are not substitutes for the beach.  It is expressly prohibited, and there shall be no swimming, diving or jumping into the Lake from any dock or from any point on the shoreline of Civic Association Lake Property except designated swimming areas off Smallwood Beach.  Furthermore, the use of and congregating with recreational flotation devices, including but not limited to, inflatable rafts, plastic floats or rings and tire inner tubes, around a dock or any point on the shoreline of Civic Association Lake Property except designated swimming areas off Smallwood Beach is prohibited.