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Site Under Maintenance - Some Functionality Will Return When Work is Complete

  • Civic Association of Smallwood, New York, Inc.

    Beach Rules 2024

    The Waterfront Manager is in charge of all things related to the use of the swimming area at the Beach, including the floating raft, watercraft, and swimming beyond the safety ropes. In the Waterfront Manager’s absence, a lifeguard and/or Front Gate/Deck Co-Administrator or a representative designated by either the Board of Directors or by the Waterfront Manager shall assume the helm and shall be afforded, by all who use the beach, the same respect and deference as the Waterfront Manager.  

    All matters related to the front gate, use of the snack shed and its deck, and rules, and regulations related to general use of the Mountain Lake Beach facility other than the waterfront is the purview of the Front Gate/Deck Co-Administrators.

    All facility rules are to be followed by all Members, their household members, guests, and those who rent from SWCA Landlord Members at all times. All Beach patrons are subject to the Association’s Membership Code of Conduct. 

    To maintain the good order, safety and general welfare of everyone on and around the Beach, beachgoers shall abide by the following rules:

  • 1.    Parking or standing in front of the beach entrance gate and fire zone is prohibited with the exception of very brief pick-ups or drop-offs. All beach patrons must respect the handicap parking spaces and leave them available for only those who possess the certification to use them.
  • 2.    Upon entering the beach front gate all entrants must sign in by providing proper identification in the form of a valid Membership photo I.D. card or valid Guest Card (and if applicable, pay an entrance fee or purchase a Guest Pass Punch Card).  At the discretion of the Gatekeeper, a guest or renter entrant may be asked to produce further identification in the form of a photo I.D.  Guest Cards are not required for any child three (3) years of age or younger and all children between the ages four (4) and twelve (12) must be signed in and accompanied by a parent or an adult, at least eighteen (18) years of age or older.
  • 3.    Only Civic Association members in good standing are permitted to purchase guest pass punch cards. Booklets sell for $50 (10 entries) or $25 (5 entries). The minimum amount of cards permitted for purchase is a book of fives passes. Unused passes remain active from season to season.
  • 4.    Non-member Smallwood residents may not use another Smallwood resident's Membership Cards or Guest Cards to gain entrance to the Beach.  Additionally, Members may not accompany a non-member Smallwood resident to the beach as their guest, without the express written consent of the Board of Directors.  Doing so may result in the suspension or revocation of the Member’s benefits or Membership.
  • 5.    Smoking of any type, including vaping, is prohibited on the Beach. Smoking and vaping is permitted outside the beach gates but only in the SWCA designated smoking area.
  • 6.     All bicycles, scooters, skateboards and the like must be walked through the front gate and with the exception of skateboards shall be stored in the bike racks adjacent to the grey shed.
  • 7.     Alcohol is not permitted anywhere inside the beach gates when the waterfront is open for swimming. By order of the SWCA Board of Directors, alcohol may be permitted when the waterfront is closed.
  • 8.    In the matter of water safety, the lifeguard’s word is law. The Waterfront Manager, in meaningful consultation with the Board of Directors and the Beach Co-Admins will make all decisions regarding closure of the beach related to weather and safety. In the mater of water quality, the Board of Directors shall make the determination as to whether or not the conditions merit a closure of the swimming area.
  • 9.    It is the lifeguard’s decision as to whether or not a beginning or weak swimmer has the requisite skills to be permitted to swim beyond the shallow roped off area or to the floating raft.
  • 10.    Swimming is permitted only when a lifeguard is on duty.
  • 11.   No fishing from any area of the lake’s shoreline is permitted at any time in or near the roped off area designated for swimming (inside the decoy Swans floating in the lake).  Fishing is permitted off of the Beach only at “The Point” …an area at the far end of the Beach near the bench and playground equipment.
  • 12.   The Association does not provide supervision of the use of Beach playground equipment. Therefore, the safety of children playing with, and on, the equipment is the responsibility of the child’s parent or the adult who is responsible for the child’s welfare at the Beach.
  • 13.   Barbecues or open fires are prohibited unless permission is granted in writing by the Board of Directors. The large Beach fire pit is for special uses only and permission for its use shall be given only by the Board of Directors. No standing in or on the fire pit. Nothing is to be placed in the fire pit including, but not limited to, water or garbage.
  • 14.   The Beach may not be used for private parties/celebrations (e.g., a formal gathering, an organization’s gathering or gathering by invitation), without the express written permission of the SWCA Board of Directors.
  • 15.   No pets (dogs or animals) are permitted on the beach. Service animals are permitted (emotional support animals are not permitted).
  • 16.   A very small tent or sun shield for young children is permitted; erecting any other form of shelter, including a larger tent, is prohibited.
  • 17.   Holes (or channels) dug on the beach are limited in size to sixty-five (65) inches in diameter (the size of a medium sized garbage can lid) and six (6) inches deep. Before exiting the beach for the day, beachgoers must fill in any holes they or children under their supervision made in the sand. SWCA supplied beach toys must be washed off and put away by the children using them or by those supervising the child/children.
  • 18.  No digging in the sand within ten (10) feet of the Beach's French Drain that runs across the beach where the sand meets the grassy area. No chairs or other objects permitted on the French Drain. 
  • 19.   Personal beach trash/recyclables must be placed in the proper receptacles before leaving the beach. It is prohibited to bring household garbage/recyclables to be left in receptacles at the Beach.
  • 20.   All listening devices must be used with headphones.
  • 21.   At the discretion of the Gate/Shed Co-Administrator, Waterfront Manager, or the Board of Directors, live acoustic music may be permitted on a special occasion. Once approved, this music shall be played at the far end of the beach beyond the steel playground equipment.
  • 22.   No glass containers or drinking glasses are permitted.
  • 23.   During Beach operation hours, under the supervision and at the discretion of, a Front Gate/Deck Co-Administrator and/or the Waterfront Manager, kayaks, paddle boards, and inflatable rafts may enter through the front gate and be launched from the beach, but only from beyond the swimming area. Once on the Beach, watercraft must be stored on the shoreline beyond the swimming area. A beachgoer who enters the Beach with watercraft in an unsafe or careless manner more than once will lose the right to do so.
  • 24.   Any watercraft that has been sailed to the Beach must be stored beyond the swimming area while a boater uses the Beach.  All such watercraft must be removed from the Beach no later than the end of the beach day. Storage of watercraft on the Beach overnight is prohibited. A person entering onto the beach from the water is required to sign in at the main Beach entrance gate.
  • 25.  The volleyball court is set aside for casual play and competition during the course of the day. When not in use for volleyball, the area immediately adjacent to the court may be used for sunning in chairs and repose. However, if the court becomes active, non-players must yield to the volleyball game in progress with the understanding that volleyball players must limit their activity to the immediate court area and be respectful of those relaxing nearby on the beach. Volleyball players should rake the court after using it.
  • 26.  Games of tag in which children and young adults run across the beach and in between beach patrons are prohibited.
  • 27.   The Association does not provide chairs or towels (Members should bring their own).  No personal property may be stored on the beach. Members are responsible for removing all of their belongings from the Beach at the end of the day, including chairs.  However, Members may store a limited number of their beach chairs along the outside of the beach boundary gate on the right side (the trash bin side). Preference will be given to those whose physical condition necessitates this onsite storage. Provided there is room, small inflatable rafts and “floaties” may be stored out of sight further up the hill along the fence. The SWCA is not responsible for items left on its property. Please lock your chairs to the fence.
  • 28.   The Waterfront Manager, Gate/Deck Co-Administrator or a representative of the Association designated by the Board of Directors shall have the authority to summarily order a non-compliant or disruptive person to leave the Beach for the day and, additionally, decide whether or not they may return the next day. If the Waterfront Manager, Front Gate/Deck Administrator or designated representative feels that a stronger disciplinary action is warranted, a formal complaint may be brought to the Conduct Review Board (see SWCA Code of Conduct on the website). If this occurs, a beach patron may be suspended from the beach up to a total of five (5) days or until such time the Conduct Review Board is able to meet.
  • 29.   Failure on the part of SWCA Members, their household members, guests, or renters to abide by the Beach rules or cooperate with beach staff or designated representatives may result, as per the Code of Conduct, in the suspension or revocation of Beach privileges.  Continued rule breaking or lack of cooperation with Beach staff/designated representatives will put a Membership in jeopardy. 
  • 30.   Swimming or using any type of recreational flotation device, including, but not limited to, inflatable rafts, plastic floats or rings and tire inner tubes, beyond the confines of the designated areas (i.e., beyond the ropes), as it is without lifeguard supervision and protection, has risks inherent in the act; doing so is at one’s own risk and peril.
  • 31.   When the beach area is closed no one may come ashore or breach the fence to use the beach area or its facilities.

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      Civic Association of Smallwood, NY, Inc.
      P.O. Box 151
      Smallwood NY 12778
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