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our Sponsors 

Civic Association of Smallwood, NY, Inc.
P.O. Box 151
Smallwood NY 12778
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2023 Children's Carnival Sponsors

$1000 Bounce House Benefactor:

Name/Company alone on signage in Coroplast in front of the Bounce House at event, permanent donor recognition at playground, logo and name/company link placed on SWCA website through August 2024, recognition as Waterslide Sponsor on distributed event promotional materials, recognition on “Friends of the Playground” webpage on SWCA website.

Alexander Lotovsky (Cityscape App)

$1000 Food Tent Benefactor:
Name/Company alone on signage in Coroplast in front of the Food Tent at event, permanent donor recognition at playground, logo and name/company link placed on SWCA website through August 2024, recognition as Waterslide Sponsor on distributed event promotional materials, recognition on “Friends of the Playground” webpage on SWCA website.

Rob & Cathleen Doherty

$1000 Carnival Benefactor:

Name/Company alone on signage in Coroplast at event, permanent donor recognition at playground, logo and name/company link placed on SWCA website through August 2024, recognition as Waterslide Sponsor on distributed event promotional materials, recognition on “Friends of the Playground” webpage on SWCA website.

Javier Chaos

$750 Carnival Waterslide Sponsor:

Name/Company alone on signage in Coroplast in front of the Waterslide at event, permanent donor recognition at playground, logo and name/company link placed on SWCA website through August 2024, recognition as Waterslide Sponsor on distributed event promotional materials, recognition on “Friends of the Playground” webpage on SWCA website.

Malek Properties

$750 Carnival Sponsor:

Name/Company alone on signage in Coroplast in prominent location at event, permanent donor recognition at playground, name/company logo and link listed on SWCA website through August 2024, recognition as Bounce House Sponsor on distributed promotional materials, recognition on “Friends of the Playground” webpage on SWCA website.

Carmine's Meat Market (in-kind donation)

Teri Cavanaugh at The Corcoran Group

$500 Carnival Sponsor:

Name/Company on group Coroplast sign in prominent location at Carnival, permanent donor recognition at playground, name/company logo and link listed on SWCA website through August 2024, recognition as Carnival Sponsor on distributed promotional materials, recognition on “Friends of the Playground” webpage on SWCA website.

DiCanio Family

Kevin Gill & Fred DeSousa

$100+ Carnival Donor:

Name/Company on group Coroplast sign in prominent location at Carnival. Name/Company listed as Donor on SWCA website through August 2023, recognition on “Friends of the Playground” webpage on SWCA website.

Adam Pincus & Stephanie Hill

Bill & Paula Moss

Charles Brover

Dan & Rosamond Craven

Emily & John Fallon

Frank & Anna Napoli

Friends Bar & Grill

John Demas & Joann DeLeonibus

Jonathan Hyman & Gail Rubenfeld

Jose Nunez & Fred Williams

Molly Kurzius & David Giroux

Necole Jadick & Chris Tyburski

Pax Whitfield & Mary Scofield

Phil Parker

Shelly Marcus

The Law Office of Gail B. Rubenfeld

The Veach Family

$50+ Carnival Friend:

Name/Company recognition on “Friends of the Playground” webpage on SWCA website.

Anne Cochran

Linda Powell

Sally Bregman & Mark Nedostup

Terry Gedan

$25+ Carnival Friend:

Name/Company recognition on “Friends of the Playground” webpage on SWCA website.

Amanda Cooper

Cynthia Zambardino

Daniel Cassaro