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Thank you | Civic Association of Smallwood, NY, Inc. |
Friends of the Playground
The Smallwood Civic Association has been fundraising during the past two Children’s Carnivals to provide brand new, commercial grade playground equipment at the SWCA Park & Lodge Complex. The equipment and apparatus has been purchased and is being stored at the Lodge. This year’s efforts are centered on raising funds to pay for the site work — which has already begun — and the installation. This durable and high quality playground equipment will benefit current and future generations. We invite you to join us in our efforts and help in paying to complete this phase of the playground project. Along with the recently renovated basketball and handball courts, this important new addition to our upgraded and beautiful Park & Lodge Complex will be a terrific addition for the entire SWCA Membership and their families. All donations and sponsorships $500 and over will be recognized at the playground site in perpetuity.
Please email ( for more information about how you can contribute to the Children’s Playground Fund.
Click here to download the 2023 Sponsorship Form.
View the 2023 Carnival Sponsors HERE.
View the 2022 Carnival Sponsors HERE.
View the 2021 Carnival Sponsors HERE.