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Civic Association of Smallwood, NY, Inc.
P.O. Box 151
Smallwood NY 12778
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Trouble Logging In?

Don't worry.

We're here to help with 3 simple steps below.

Having Trouble Logging In?

  1. No worries—it happens to all of us! Just click FORGOT PASSWORD (you’ll find it above and to the right of the LOGIN button). A new system-generated password will be sent to your email.

  2. Check that You're Using The Right Email: Our system only allows one email address to login per membership. This is the email associated with whomever is listed as the Primary Member, so double-check that you’re using the correct one to attempt to log in.

    Tip: If you don’t see the reset email auto generated from the "FORGOT PASSWORD" button, it might’ve gone to your spouse, partner, significant other or relative's inbox or even your work email - worth a quick look! Please consider if you may have actually registered them as the Primary or Secondary Member in the past.

  3. Still Stuck? Don’t worry, we’ve got you! Reach out to us at, and a volunteer will respond within 72 hours. (Just a heads-up: We aren’t able to assist with Facebook or Google login issues.)